Maharashtra India
Geographical area (thousand 308.0 3287.0
Total population (million) 78.9 846.3
Forest Area (thousand sq. km.) 63.8 679.9
Urban population as per cent of total 38.7 25.7
Net sown area (million hectares) 18.0 142.2
Area under foodgrains (million hectares) 13.9 125.4
Area under cotton (million hectares) 2.7 7.6
Area under sugarcane (thousand hectares) 427.0 3656.0
Electricity generation (billion KWH) 42.2 324.1
Working factories (thousand) 23.4 205.0
Factory Workers (thousand) 1163.0   8431.0
Per capita gross output (Rs.) 7859.0 3225.0
Per capita value added (Rs.) 1536.0 614.0
Income at current prices (Rs. in billion) 912.1 6152.7
Per capita income at current prices (Rs.) 10984.0 6929.0
Gross domestic product (GDP) at factor cost (Rs. in billion) 1014.5 7071.5
Per capita GDP (Rs.) 12,216 7,963

Maharashtra’s percentage share in India’s gross output
Metal products 37.9
Transport equipment 32.5
Woollen and synthetic textiles 28.0
Chemical and chemical products 27.2
Textile products 26.1
Non electrical machinery 25.2
Rubber and plastics 22.2
Electrical machinery 19.6